St Giles Church is the spiritual home and communities heart of Sheldon, there have been churches on this site for around a 1000 years.
The current building has occupied the site since 1294 and is one of only 3 churches built in the middle ages in the Birmingham area.
St Giles also has a special place in the missionary world as the home of Rev Dr Thomas Bray. His work started the Anglican missionary movement over 300 years ago when he bought the Anglican church to the shores of America.
The Bell tower was erected around 1460, the builders invoice is still carved in to one of the pillars. The tower houses 6 bells and we have 2 teams of 'adult' bell ringers and a team of junior campanologists.
With it's fascinating history St Giles is clearly a church with a considerable amount of special interest, but what has always made St Giles a special place is it's people.